
Brazilian Butt Lift

Will the Brazilian Butt Lift Add Volume and Shape to the Buttocks?

There are a few different techniques that can be performed to enhance the appearance of the buttocks. Here at the practice of Dr. Semira Bayati, we utilize two of the most popular: the full buttock lift surgery and the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. A full buttock lift can be very beneficial for patients who would like to get rid of excess, sagging skin that often results from weight loss or the natural aging process. During... Continue Reading

How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Typically Cost?

A Brazilian Butt Lift involves the injection of excess fat cells taken from one area of your body into targeted regions of the buttocks. This process can add volume and new contours to the buttocks for a curvier, more symmetrical, and more youthful appearance. The cost of a Brazilian Butt Lift varies from patient to patient since this procedure is customized to each individual’s unique needs. Remember, this procedure is actually two advanced treatments in... Continue Reading

How Long Will the Effects of a Brazilian Butt Lift Last?

Brazilian Butt Lift
In the last few years, buttock enhancement has become one of the most popular body contouring treatment options here at the practice of Semira Bayati, MD. A variety of techniques designed to improve the appearance of the buttocks can be utilized to resolve a number of common aesthetic concerns. These include reducing the appearance of excess, sagging skin and giving the derriere a fuller and firmer appearance. The Brazilian Butt Lift technique involves a process... Continue Reading