
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy with Biote® Pellets*

biote logoDr. Semira Bayati is proud to offer bioidentical hormone replacement therapy options for both women and men. Since the 1930s, biologically identical hormones have been used as a way to replenish hormone deficiencies without the use of synthetic hormones. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has been shown to improve a variety of common physical, mental, and emotional conditions that may be partially caused by a decrease in certain hormone levels over time, ultimately creating a hormonal imbalance. Our board-certified plastic surgeon employs the innovative Biote® pellet approach to hormone replacement therapy, which can not only make the process more convenient for patients when compared to other modalities, but can also help to better-maintain hormone levels with less fluctuations.

What Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is an advanced, minimally-invasive treatment designed to address hormonal imbalances. It is very common for the body to produce less hormones as we age. In some cases, there may even be too much production of certain hormones. This can affect individuals in different ways—some may experience severe imbalances and others may have mild to moderate hormonal imbalances, possibly leading to both physical and mental effects. BHRT aims to renew the balance of hormones and bring them to optimal levels, enhancing total wellness and helping patients enjoy a better quality of life.

What Are Biote® Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Pellets?

BHRT can be administered via injections, topical creams, oral delivery, and patches; however, Dr. Bayati has found that the Biote® pellet technique is particularly ideal for many patients. This method involves a very small, subdermal implant that can gradually release hormones into the bloodstream throughout the day. Hormones in these pellets are bioidentical, the same chemical your body used to produce when you were younger. Also, the pellet method has been shown to have more steady blood levels with no fluctuation, compared to the creams and injections. This is much better for the body. The implant contains enough pellets to provide consistent doses of hormones for about four to six months. Periodic blood tests are done to replenish pellets before a drop in level, since some people might metabolize the pellets at a faster rate (4 months) versus slower (5-6 months). Additionally, hormone therapy through pellet form may produce less risk of blood clotting when compared to other methodologies.

What Are the Potential Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

The potential benefits that can be achieved with BHRT therapy are numerous, and can be unique to each individual who decides to undergo pellet therapy. The goals of this innovative treatment include:

  • Relieve common symptoms of diminished/imbalanced hormone production, such as anxiety, hot flashes, decreased sexual libido, night sweats, trouble sleeping, mood swings, and other concerns
  • Improve one’s overall sense of well-being and quality of life
  • Enhance the body’s ability to protect itself with hormones and re-establish their benefits to cardiovascular health, bone density, muscle mass, the immune system, and more
  • Improvement of conditions often associated with the natural aging process, such as general fatigue, diminished muscle mass, osteoporosis, decreased mental clarity, and others

Biote® Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Pellets for Women

Many women may find significant relief from a variety of conditions related to hormonal imbalances with Biote® pellet therapy. These conditions include symptoms of menopause, diminished sexual function, reduced bone density, sleeping problems, irritability, depression, and many others. Bioidentical hormone therapy has even been used to treat vaginal dryness, an increase in urinary frequency, incontinence, and migraine headaches. Depending on individual needs and the specific hormones that require rebalancing, both estrogen and testosterone replacement may be included in pellet therapy to replenish these protective hormones with the most optimal results possible.

Biote® Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Pellets for Men

Over time, the level of testosterone hormones in many men gradually declines. This decline may even begin in one’s early 30s. Testosterone deficiencies may contribute to symptoms such as fatigue, a weakened libido, sexual dysfunction, diminished mental acuity, conditions associated with andropause, and other concerns. With Biote® pellet therapy, testosterone levels can be replenished and stabilized. This may ultimately help to address some of the symptoms noted above, as well as reduce mood swings and anxiety, improve energy levels, and enhance overall physical and mental well-being.

What Happens During the BHRT Treatment Process?

If you are found to be a good candidate for BHRT, Dr. Bayati will create a treatment plan based on your needs and the dosage necessary to achieve the best possible results. Once the personalized treatment plan is developed, we can schedule an appointment for the procedure. During the initial BHRT treatment, a small implant will be placed under the skin. The implant is typically placed in an area such as the hip. The incision required is very small, and only a local anesthetic should be necessary to minimize discomfort. The implant contains hormone pellets that are similar in size to a grain of rice. The pellets should dissolve and consistently be released and absorbed by the body, helping to restore balanced hormone levels.

Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress. Most individuals only need two or three treatments each year so that the implant is continuously replenished with hormone pellets and optimal balance is maintained. Many individuals begin to experience the positive benefits of the pellet therapy as early as one month after the initial treatment; however, the optimal effects of hormone replacement may take several months to become apparent.

If you would like to learn more about Biote® pellet therapy for hormone replacement, or if you are ready to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bayati to find out if you are a good candidate for this treatment, please contact us today.

*Statements have not been evaluated by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to prevent, treat, cure, or diagnose any disease.