
Hair Replacement & Regrowth

Millions of men and women are affected by androgenetic alopecia, the medical term for pattern hair loss. Newport Beach plastic surgeon  Semira Bayati, MD understands the effects on one’s self-esteem that hair loss can cause, and is now offering innovative, advanced treatments that can help you regrow lost hair with significant results. One such treatment, Formula 82M, is a combination of FDA-approved Minoxidil and other topical formulas that can stimulate fast, abundant hair growth. Dr. Bayati also offers LaserCap® for hair restoration.

Learn more about our options below, and please contact Dr. Bayati with any questions you may have about treatments for pattern baldness.

Formula 82M for Hair Regrowth

Since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Minoxidil to treat androgenetic alopecia, this effective treatment has been one of the most popular therapy options to treat pattern baldness. Recently, scientists have discovered that Minoxidil combined with other substances, such as tretinoin (a dermatological cream commonly used to treat acne), a topical steroid, oleanolic acid, and other ingredients, can provide even more effective and long-lasting results than Minoxidil alone. Formula 82M is one of the most recent formulations of other solutions in addition to Minoxidil that can stimulate the growth of new hair with significant and long-lasting results.

A higher concentration of Minoxidil combined with other topical agents, such as that in Formula 82M, has shown to be very effective, even after only three months of treatment and in patients with advanced cases of androgenetic alopecia. Formula 82M can serve as an alternative to ROGAINE® and Propecia®, and may even be effective enough for some patients to avoid hair transplantation surgery.

Formula 82M is available at our practice and is easily applied with a spray applicator. Patients typically use Formula 82M twice each day over a three-month period.


It sounds futuristic – and in a way, it truly is. The LaserCap® is an at-home, prescription-based, helmet-like device that can fit right into most hats and baseball caps. This FDA-cleared treatment for hair loss utilizes low-level light therapy to help prevent further hair loss and stimulate dormant hair follicles to allow for regrowth in many areas of the scalp. When used as consistently as directed, the LaserCap® is known to produce noticeable results within one year. This treatment, which is only available by prescription, can be a good option for both women and men affected by androgenetic alopecia and other conditions that cause hair loss. Dr. Bayati can talk with you about this treatment during your initial consultation and help you determine whether the LaserCap® is ideal for your needs and goals.

The LaserCap® device is designed to be both flexible and portable, making it a discreet option that can fit under your favorite hat so that you can wear it virtually anywhere. Patients can utilize the device while taking a walk, working around the house, driving, or even just watching TV.

Depending on your individual treatment plan, it is typically recommended that the LaserCap® be worn three times a week for 30 minutes each time. Dr. Bayati will provide you with detailed instructions so you will know exactly how much and how long you should use the LaserCap® for optimal results.


Nutrafol® is a natural hair growth supplement with two precise formulations: one for women and one for men. This innovative product utilizes botanical ingredients rather than drugs to help revitalize damaged hair follicles, prevent hair loss due to the natural aging process, and improve the health of the hair for fuller, thicker results. Nutrafol®’s nutraceutical ingredients are designed to target a number of possible causes of thinning hair, including levels of DHT, stress, and diet and environmental factors. Ultimately, the goal of Nutrafol® is to help restore the cycle of healthy hair growth by targeting multiple triggers of hair loss that prevent optimal growth of hair.

ALMI™ – Autologous Lipocyte Micronized Injection

The ALMI™ procedure utilizes a combination of advanced treatments that allows Dr. Bayati to help regenerate hair follicles during growth cycles. This option can be used to help restore receding hairlines, bald spots, hair follicles, and thickness. Results may be seen as soon as the next hair growth cycle, and should improve with each cycle that follows.

AnteAGE® MD 

AnteAGE® MD is a more powerful version of the over-the-counter AnteAGE® at-home product. This innovative solution designed to promote natural, healthy hair growth uses a combination of naturally occurring ingredients and other components to help “wake up” dormant hair follicles and support growth. Ultimately, AnteAGE® MD can help many women and men of virtually all skin types enhance hair density, fullness, and texture in areas of hair loss with very natural-looking results. 

AnteAGE® MD treatments at our practice include: 

In-Office AnteAGE® MD Microneedling Treatment 

The AnteAGE® MD in-office microneedling procedure involves the application of a handheld device into areas of the scalp where hair restoration may be needed. The device makes very small perforations in the skin that allow for the AnteAGE® MD solution to thoroughly penetrate into the hair follicle areas and begin the process of stimulating new hair growth and producing improved texture. 

A series of AnteAGE® MD microneedling treatments, spread out over staged appointments, is typically recommended. We will evaluate your needs during the initial consultation to determine whether this procedure is an ideal option. 

AnteAGE® MD Home Hair System 

The AnteAGE® MD take-home kit is often used as an adjunctive treatment to the in-office procedure, but in some cases it can be utilized as a standalone option for hair restoration. The take-home kit includes the AnteAGE® MD solution, a microneedling stamp (dermal needling device), and a thickening brush. 

In most cases, a combination of the in-office AnteAGE® MD procedure and the AnteAGE® MD Home Hair System will be recommended to obtain the best possible results. The AnteAGe® MD Home Hair System is only available to who undergo in-office treatments at Dr. Bayati’s office.

Contact Dr. Bayati for more information on these exciting treatments for hair loss, or to schedule a consultation.