In the last few years, buttock enhancement has become one of the most popular body contouring treatment options here at the practice of Semira Bayati, MD. A variety of techniques designed to improve the appearance of the buttocks can be utilized to resolve a number of common aesthetic concerns. These include reducing the appearance of excess, sagging skin and giving the derriere a fuller and firmer appearance. The Brazilian Butt Lift technique involves a process known as fat grafting – taking excess fat cells from one area of the body via liposuction and relocating them to the buttocks. This can ultimately add volume to the buttocks to create more youthful and shapely results. But how long do those results typically last?
As with most cosmetic enhancement procedures, the length of results can vary among each individual patient; however, most patients experience very long-lasting results with the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. In fact, the effects can last for many years as long as your weight remains stable. One of the most important things to remember after having a Brazilian Butt Lift is to avoid sitting directly on the buttocks as much as possible for several weeks following the procedure. The reason for this is that pressure on the buttocks can reduce the chances that the relocated fat cells will survive in the days and weeks after the initial treatment. Dr. Bayati will discuss the recovery process in detail with you during your consultation. If you decide to have the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure, she will also provide you with thorough post-operative instructions that can aide your comfort during recovery while minimizing the risk of excessive fat loss in the treatment area.