

CO2LIFT V® and Labiaplasty: Benefits of Treatment for Intimate Areas

It is very common for women to experience certain changes in their vaginal areas that can have a significant impact on their everyday lives. This may occur after pregnancy, childbirth, weight fluctuations, sexual activity, and the natural aging process—or even just from genetics. Because of this, women may suffer from urinary issues and infections, painful intercourse and vaginal discomfort due to dryness, tenderness, and laxity, and/or difficulty exercising.  Fortunately, there are vaginal rejuvenation procedures available... Continue Reading

Can I Get a Flat Stomach After Having Children?

Motherhood can bring about many changes to the body after pregnancy. Some of these changes can include stretched-out skin in the midsection, abdominal muscles separating throughout pregnancy, and isolated pockets of fat. For many women, reversing these effects can be very difficult to achieve through diet and exercise alone. Surgical intervention may be the next step to consider for effectively correcting these aesthetic concerns and achieving a flatter stomach after having children. Our board-certified plastic... Continue Reading