
Can Gynecomastia Be Corrected With Chest Exercises?

Male ModelMany of our patients who struggle with gynecomastia already maintain a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine. Just as the volume of breast tissue is not reduced when women exercise, men are no different. If gynecomastia conditions involve primarily an excess of fat in the breasts rather than glandular tissue, a good diet and exercise regimen may help to some degree; however, many patients find that it is difficult to achieve their goals with diet and exercise alone. In fact, for some individuals who are affected by excess glandular tissue in the breasts, exercise may even exacerbate the problem.

For many patients, male breast reduction surgery via liposuction, tissue excision, or a combination of these procedures can be ideal options to improve the effects of gynecomastia and create a flatter, more defined chest. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Semira Bayati, can meet with you for an initial evaluation and consultation to answer your questions and determine the best option for your unique needs and goals.

For more information about gynecomastia and male breast reduction surgery, or to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.