
Curriculum Vitae


General Surgery
Integrated General/Plastic Surgery Residency Training Program Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Springfield, IL 1992-1995

Plastic Surgery
Integrated General/Plastic Surgery Residency Training Program Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Springfield, IL 1995-1998

Fellowship Program
Loma Linda University Medical Center Loma Linda, CA 1998-1999

Graduate – Boston University School of Medicine Boston, MA
Six-Year BA/MD Program

Doctor of Medicine on May 17, 1992

American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Fellow – American College of Surgeons

Gross Anatomy, Biochemistry, Psychiatry, Liver Transplant Subinternship, Pediatric Clerkship, Plastic Surgery Elective, Ophthalmology, Surgical Oncology Subinternship, Burn Surgery Boston University
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Undergraduate – Boston University Boston, MA
Combined Six-Year BA/MD Program

Bachelor of Arts

Art History / Mathematics

Distinguished Sophomore Award for maintaining one of the highest Grade Point Averages in the Six-Year BA/MD

Dean’s List for all semesters of undergraduate education

Golden Key National Honor Society
Phi Beta Kappa

Shotokan Karate Team at Boston University
Playing and Teaching Classical Piano


  • ILLINOIS 1992


  • American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
  • American Society for Surgery of the Hand
  • Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society
  • Fellowship American College of Surgeons


  • Diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery
  • Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners
  • Certificate of Added Qualifications In Surgery of the Hand
  • Qualified Medical Examiner, QME


  • Hoag Presbyterian Memorial Hospital


  • Precision Surgical Arts – Medical Director

First Place – Resident Research Award “Improving Survival in a Prefabricated Flap Using Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor”
Midwestern Association of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting
Peoria, Ilinois
May 1994

First Place – Residents’ Competition
“Synergism of Angiogenic Agents in Improving Survival of a Prefabricated Flap Model”
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society
Annual Scientific Meeting
Palm Beach, Florida
June 1995

Best Scientific Poster Award (co-author)
“Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Induced Angiogenesis Increases Survival of a Prefabricated Flap”
American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Montreal, Canada
October 1995

English, French, Turkish, Farsi
Understand Spanish and speak partially

Playing and teaching classical piano, weight training and Nautilus, painting (oil on canvas), skin diving

“Delayed Healing in a Denervated Wound Model”
Hyperbaric Research and Development Grant
Memorial Medical Center/SIU School of Medicine
($4,250) 1997

“The Inframammary Ligament”
American Association of Plastic Surgeons
Annual Meeting Philadelphia, PA May 1993

“The Inframammary Ligament”
American College of Surgeons
Illinois Chapter Annual Meeting
Springfield, IL May 1993

“Improving Survival in a Prefabricated Flap Using Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor”
American Association of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting
St. Louis, MO May 1994

“Improving Survival in a Prefabricated Flap Using Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor”
(First Place-Resident Research Award)
Midwestern Association of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting
Peoria, IL May 1994

“Synergism of Angiogenic Agents in Improving Survival of a Prefabricated Flap Model”
Plastic Surgery Research Council Annual Meeting
New York, NY May 1995

“Synergism of Angiogenic Agents in Improving Survival of a Prefabricated Flap Model”
Midwestern Association of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting
Iowa City, IA June 1995

“Synergism of Angiogenic Agents in Improving Survival of a Prefabricated Flap Model”
(First Place-Residents’ Competition)
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting
Palm Beach, FL June 1995

“Synergism of Angiogenic Agents in Improving Survival of a Prefabricated Flap Model”
American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress
New Orleans, LA October 1995

“Improving Survival in Fasciocutaneous Flaps Using Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor”
Midwestern Association of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting
Milwaukee, WI June 1996

“Improving Survival in Fasciocutaneous Flaps Using Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor”
American Society for Surgery of the Hand
Residents and Fellows Conference
Nashville, TN September 1996

“Fasciocutaneous Flaps Revisited”
American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery Annual Meeting
Boca Raton, FL January 1997

“Delayed Healing in a Denervated Wound Model”
Plastic Surgery Research Council Annual Meeting
Galveston, TX February 1997

“Delayed Healing in a Denervated Wound Model”
Midwestern Association of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting
St. Louis, MO May 1997

“TGF-* Levels in Denervated Wounds”
Midwestern Association of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting
St. Louis, MO May 1997

“Delayed Healing in a Denervated Wound Model”
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting
Cancun, Mexico June 1997

“Improving Outcome in Adriamycin Extravasation Injury Using Oral Dapsone Therapy”
Plastic Surgery Senior Residents Conference
Birmingham, AL April 1998

“Improving Outcome in Adriamycin Extravasation Injury Using OralDapsone Therapy”
Plastic Surgery Research Council Annual Meeting
Loma Linda, CA April 1998

“Improving Outcome in Adriamycin Extravasation Injury Using Oral Dapsone Therapy”
American Association of Plastic Surgeons 77th Annual Meeting
Montreal, Quebec, Canada May 1998

“Improving Outcome in Adriamycin Extravasation Injury Using Oral Dapsone Therapy”
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting
Seattle, WA May 1998

“Improving Outcome in Adriamycin Extravasation Injury Using OralDapsone Therapy”
Chicago Society of Plastic Surgery Senior Residents’ Night
Chicago, IL June 1998

“Biceps rerouting for correction of the supination deformity of the forearm”
American Association of Hand Surgery
South Beach, FLA January 2000


  1. “Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Induced Angiogenesis Increases Survival of a Prefabricated Flap” (co-author) American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Annual Meeting Montreal, Canada October 1995
  2. “Biomechanical Analysis of the Intrinsic muscles of the Hand and Claw Deformity  American Association of Hand Surgery South Beach, FLA January 2000


Journal Articles:

  1. Sommer NZ, Bayati S, Newmeister MW, Brown RE. Dapsone for the Treatment of Doxorubicin Extravasion injury – An Animal Study- Jour Pla Reconstr Surg 2002 May 109(6):2000-2005
  2. Bayati S, Seckel BR. Inframammary crease ligament. Plast Reconstr Surg 95(3):501-508, 1995.
  3. Lille S, Bayati S, Wechselberger G, Schoeller T. Letter & Correspondence: “Durability of prefabricated versus normal random flaps against a bacterial challenge.” Plast Reconstr Surg 101(3):863, 1998.
  4. Bayati S, Russell RC, Roth AC. Stimulation of angiogenesis to improve the viability of prefabricated flaps. Plast Reconstr Surg 101(5):1290-1295, 1998.


  1. Bayati S, Russell RC, Roth AC. Synergism of angiogenic agents in improving survival of prefabricated flaps. (Abstract) Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine 22 (Supl):50, 1995.
  2. Bayati S, Parungao AJ, Kucan JO, Roth AC, Mathur A. Delayed healing in a denervated wound model. (Abstract) Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine, 1997.
  3. Bayati S, Zook N, Naffziger R, Brown RE, Neumeister MW, Suchy H, Mathur A. Improving outcome in adriamycin extravasation injury using oral Dapsone therapy. (Abstract) Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine, 1998.

Book Reviews:

  1. Bayati S. Manual of Medical Therapeutics Twenty-seventh Edition by Michele Woodley and Alison Whelan. Plast Reconstr Surg 91(6)1167-1168, 1993.


Bayati S. Essentials of Plastic Surgery. (Book Review – Plast Reconstr Surg)