
Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon Rejuvenates Bodies Of Post-Bariatric Patients

plastic surgeon in Newport Beach, post-bariatric surgery, tummy tuck, liposuction, gynecomastia, Newport Beach plastic surgery, Dr. Semira Bayati

Dr. Bayati offers a wide variety of surgical options to assist post-bariatric patients in achieving a rejuvenated, more contoured body after dramatic weight loss.

Newport Beach, CA – Dr. Bayati, a board-certified female plastic surgeon in Newport Beach, seeks to help individuals who have been proactive in reducing the health risks and self-consciousness of obesity by losing significant amounts of weight, but still retain excess skin. After bariatric surgery or a period of rigorous diet and exercise, many of her patients are left with this excess skin in a variety of body areas. Using a customized set of procedures, Dr. Bayati performs post-bariatric surgery to tighten the skin in these areas and provide patients with a more contoured look.

As a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Bayati is more selective about proper scar placement in regards to “women being able to wear bikinis and sexy underwear following post-bariatric surgery.” In an effort to achieve the results her patients desire, she evaluates her patients’ particular situations and works with them to design the optimal treatment plan for their needs. These surgical options are often combined or performed over a period of time, with the ultimate goal of rejuvenating the entire body.

Some of the post-bariatric weight loss body contouring options available at Dr. Semira Bayati’s practice include:

  • Central Body Lift
  • Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
  • Liposuction
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Lift With or Without Implants
  • Breast Reduction
  • Gynecomastia Treatment After Massive Weight Loss
  • Medial Thigh Lift
  • Arm Lift

With a central body lift (belt lipectomy) procedure, Dr. Bayati removes excess skin and fat from the midsection, thighs, and buttocks while lifting the remaining skin to create a smoother, more toned appearance. A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) reduces the excess skin on the abdomen and tightens the abdominal muscles. This procedure results in a flatter stomach, and more defined waistline.

According to Dr. Bayati, liposuction remains one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures available. Liposuction has the ability to target and remove fat deposits in virtually any area of the body, creating a more contoured appearance wherever the procedure is performed. Despite massive weight loss, she says there are certain fat deposits that are difficult to lose. Liposuction is used as an adjunct to skin reduction for these problem areas.

Dr. Bayati notes that many women who lose large amounts of weight will experience sagging of the breasts. A breast lift operation is designed to elevate the nipples to a higher position and give a tighter, more youthful appearance to the breast. Sometimes a breast lift is combined with a breast augmentation since loss of breast volume is a common occurrence in massive weight loss patients.

The Newport Beach plastic surgeon highlights that men who undergo significant weight loss can similarly experience sagging in their chest. She says this condition, commonly referred to as gynecomastia, can be effectively addressed with a male breast reduction during which she will remove skin, fat, and breast tissues utilizing liposuction, direct excision, or a combination of the two techniques.

Medial thigh lifts tighten the skin and eliminate excess fat in the upper and inner thigh. Dr. Bayati says this procedure improves the contour of the thighs and can also reduce the friction patients experience while walking. An arm lift (brachioplasty) is performed with similar goals as a thigh lift, but targets the arms instead of the thighs.

Dr. Bayati says her Newport Beach plastic surgery patients recover at different paces, depending on the combination of the above procedures that are being performed at the same time. Usually two to three weeks are recommended after these combination procedures. Dr. Bayati discusses all aspects of the patient’s individual treatment plan, recovery expectations, and anticipated results during the comprehensive initial consultation.

About Semira Bayati, MD, FACS

Dr. Semira Bayati was accepted into medical school directly from high school and earned her degree from the Boston University School of Medicine. She is a board-certified plastic surgeon, a published medical author, and has won multiple awards for her research in the field of cosmetic plastic surgery. Dr. Bayati is also a member of the prestigious American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons – an exclusive group of plastic surgeons who are selected through peer review based on their excellent results. Additionally, she received the Patient’s Choice Award in 2012. Dr. Bayati is available for interview upon request.