
How Soon After Giving Birth Can I Have a Mommy Makeover?

Mom and a babyPregnancy, breastfeeding, and other aspects of raising children can cause significant changes in a woman’s body. It is not uncommon for mothers to want to change their figure immediately after giving birth, especially if they no longer feel themselves in their own bodies. A Mommy Makeover is designed to help women reclaim their pre-baby figure through a comprehensive combination of cosmetic procedures like breast augmentation, liposuction, and others.

Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Semira Bayati, typically recommends waiting until the body fully “settles”–which usually takes six months to one year after giving birth–before having a Mommy Makeover. Allowing your body to stabilize can help you achieve the best possible outcomes from surgery. It is also important to stop nursing for at least three to six months so that the breasts can maintain a steady shape. In addition to waiting for the body to return to its pre-pregnancy baseline, there are other factors that women should consider before undergoing a Mommy Makeover, including:

  • If they would like to have more children. Future pregnancy can affect the outcomes of procedures like tummy tuck surgery and breast enhancement. Dr. Bayati typically recommends a Mommy Makeover to patients who have completed their families so that they can enjoy their results for many years.
  • If they have childcare assistance during the recovery process. Women who undergo multiple procedures may need an extensive healing period. It may be beneficial to ask a significant other, a loved one, or a close friend to help with taking care of the kids while recovering.
  • If they are at or near their pre-pregnancy or goal weight. Gaining or losing additional weight can affect the outcomes of a Mommy Makeover. Patients who are at or near their normal weight usually yield better results.

Depending on your unique concerns and aesthetic goals, Dr. Bayati will discuss with you which enhancement surgeries can deliver optimal results and the best timing for your Mommy Makeover. If you would like to learn more about this comprehensive procedure, or if you are ready to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bayati, please do not hesitate to contact us today!