
How Much Does a Breast Reduction Cost?

woman smiling

Breast reduction surgery can dramatically change the life of a woman who struggles with overly large breasts. When the breasts naturally develop to an excessive size, women often experience back, neck, and shoulder pain. In addition, physical exercise, wearing bras, and fitting into clothing can become difficult and uncomfortable. Since every breast reduction is custom-tailored to meet the needs of the individual patient, the cost of the surgery can vary. Some factors that go into determining the price of a breast reduction include:

  • The technique utilized – liposuction, tissue excision, breast lift, or a combination of techniques
  • Anesthesia costs
  • Operating facility costs
  • Experience of your plastic surgeon

For patients with health insurance, there is no single answer as to whether or not your carrier will cover the cost of the procedure. In most cases, health insurance carriers that offer coverage for breast reduction require that the surgery be determined medically necessary and state a minimum amount of breast tissue that must be removed during the procedure. During your consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Semira Bayati will discuss your unique needs and goals and help determine if a breast reduction can best meet them. Once a customized treatment plan is created, a member of our team will put together an overall price quote and talk with you about your insurance, payment, and financing options.

For more information about breast reduction surgery, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bayati, please contact us today.